Kathy Wilkinson has once again assembled a good selection of craft and food stalls for the Christmas Craft Market being held at Bradfield Community Centre on Saturday 29th November 10-4pm. Adult entrance £1
Wonderful Father Christmas will be attending again so bring your family youngsters to visit him. £2 for story and present
The Friends will be running a Stall, Tombola, Raffle and refreshments.
How you can help
ADVERTISE the event by word of mouth or passing out flyers
RAFFLE/TOMBOLA Supply items such as “In date” tins, bottles smellies etc.) There will be a box at the back of the church or contact Sue Reeve 01255 870043 or John Barrow 01255 870681
Cakes ( Please let Christine Bowen know if you are making cakes 01255 870367) or
Edible gifts (please contact Barbara Coe if you are able to contribute or want information 01255 870123)
GIVING TIME Please contact Norma Barrow 01255 870681 if you are able to help during the day or from 4 to 5 pm to help clear up
SPEND YOUR MONEY! Come along and support the event. Refreshments available all day.