Kathy had once again assembled an excellent standard and variety of stalls for this event. One stall holder even travelled up from the Southend area! Thank you to the Trustees and the band of helpers who worked so hard throughout the day manning the stall, tombola, raffle, refreshments and the door. Thank you to those who supplied items for the various stalls. There was a lovely atmosphere in the hall and many nice comments about the event. The profit of £1883 will go towards our window project, updated details of which can be found under the projects heading. Photos of the event are in the Gallery.
Burns Night/Curry Evening and 2015 dates
Burns Night Supper – This will be held on Friday 23rd January in the Church Room. 7.15 for 7.30 start. Tickets are limited so book early with me! £25 per head for three/four Course meal: Seafood Starter, Haggis (vegetarian Haggis available) Please inform us if you would prefer the braised beef alternative or vegetarian starter. Sweet/cheese course. Andy and his bagpipes will be with us again so come along and enjoy a sociable evening.
Mogul Curry Evening We are looking to arrange a fundraising Curry Evening at the Mogul in Manningtree sometime in March, but would like to gauge interest before proceeding too far. If you would be interested in this evening, could you please email or phone me fairly soon to register an interest. norma.barrow@keme.co.uk 01255 870681. You would not be committing yourself at this stage.
2015 dates can be found in the Autumn newsletter or under the web page events heading.
Christmas Craft Market
Kathy Wilkinson has once again assembled a good selection of craft and food stalls for the Christmas Craft Market being held at Bradfield Community Centre on Saturday 29th November 10-4pm. Adult entrance £1
Wonderful Father Christmas will be attending again so bring your family youngsters to visit him. £2 for story and present
The Friends will be running a Stall, Tombola, Raffle and refreshments.
How you can help
ADVERTISE the event by word of mouth or passing out flyers
RAFFLE/TOMBOLA Supply items such as “In date” tins, bottles smellies etc.) There will be a box at the back of the church or contact Sue Reeve 01255 870043 or John Barrow 01255 870681
Cakes ( Please let Christine Bowen know if you are making cakes 01255 870367) or
Edible gifts (please contact Barbara Coe if you are able to contribute or want information 01255 870123)
GIVING TIME Please contact Norma Barrow 01255 870681 if you are able to help during the day or from 4 to 5 pm to help clear up
SPEND YOUR MONEY! Come along and support the event. Refreshments available all day.
Annual General Meeting
This year's Annual General Meeting of the Friends was held on Saturday 30 August and was attended by 22 members.
The Chairman summarised the Friends' fundraising activities and grants made since the last AGM and John Barrow, on behalf of the Treasurer, explained the Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013. Net income raised by the Friends in 2013 totalled £11,235 and this was almost exactly matched by grants made to the St Lawrence Church's Parochial Church Council (PCC) of £11,769. The income comprised £2,914 subscriptions, donations and gift-aid tax recovery, £92 interest received, and £8,695 from fundraising events, less operating costs of £466. Fundraising income arose mostly from the book fair, flower festival, Christmas craft market and the sale of the history book. The vast majority of the grants paid to the PCC (£10,000) was for the external lime-washing of the church. Members present unanimously approved and adopted the Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013.
All members have been sent a copy of the minutes of the meeting.
The AGM was followed by a barbecue lunch.
Con Spirito Concert
On Saturday 19th July over fifty people enjoyed an evening of wonderful music presented by Con Spirito. Luckily the storm held off until we were enjoying the buffet! The Friends would like to thank the group for giving their time to prepare and perform such a varied programme - there was something for all tastes of music. The profits for the evening are in the region of £376 which will go towards the window project. Some photos of the performance are in our gallery.